Glut of Occurences

Taking on the world one word at a time.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Head-first dive

So I'm about to start my NaNo writing for the day. Wesley made me go to bed early last night. Theoretically it was so I wouldn't take a nap today - which I still managed to do.

I've been quite productive on my applied project paper. I'm determined to be completely finished with it by Nov. 10 before my mother gets into town. That would be 12 days before the final final deadline.

Anyway, wish me luck with all. I'll let you know how it goes.

Oh! And I just finished uploading 7 little picture thingies. (Can't remember what they're called. haha.) And you say I'm not productive. I laugh in the face of unproductiveness. ha-ha ha ha.

Ooohhh. I learned a new word today. Profligate. I've decided to use it in my NaNo-book for posterity's sake.


Saline County, Arkansas Photos said...

Oh my gosh... that describes me.

Lylah Ledner said...

I'm so going to enjoy this journey with you...thanks for creating blog space in your beautiful head....