Glut of Occurences

Taking on the world one word at a time.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


I had a miniature meltdown earlier. I'm better now. I talked it through with Wesley and decided to postpone my defense. I've officially told my adviser. I feel much more relaxed.

I had to decide a few things for me to be able to finish (and not get to this point again in the spring).
I'm not going back to bed after work or taking Wesley to work. I'm going to work at least two hours a day on the paper and write for fun for at least one hour. And I have to do those three hours of work before Wesley gets home in the evenings. That way I'm accountable to myself.

If I actually work two hours a day on the paper, I think I can be pretty much finished in the next month or so. I've set myself a hard deadline (because I told my adviser and Wesley) of March 1 to be through with defense and post-defense edits.

I am declaring it: I AM NOT A PROCRASTINATOR!

(I think I need theme music.)

Tomorrow I'll contact the department so I can sign up for my one-hour extension class so I stay enrolled.

Okay, I'm off to write for NaNo.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

NaNo Plot

I didn't mention what my NaNo novel is about.

My working title is "Golgotha," though it will probably stay.

It's a story about having faith in God, yourself and others. The inspiration came from Zechariah 13:7-9.

It's set in another world and is about a young woman who's world is turned upside down when god punishes her town for not being faithful. There's war, disease, death...Don't worry, there's good stuff to - love, forgiveness, overcoming obstacles, moving on.

So far, so good.

Tuesday-slacking ways

Jumped the wall Monday and wrote 2.4K+ words. Caught up, plus a little...but then yesterday, I wasn't very productive on NaNo. But my project is looking better. Seems I can't balance the two.

Oh, well.

Write-In was fun, but didn't make up for my Tuesday-slacking ways.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


I hit a wall.

Okay, so the wall is only at shin level, but it counts. I realized today that while I have the "big" things worked out in my outline, I have no subplots...and as we all know, subplots make the world go 'round. Or something like that.

So I've been trying to sub-outline. It's not going super well. Do you think it's cheating if I jump around in writing my story. I don't have to go "A B C D E F G". I can go "A B F E Z R F", right? (Yes, I know F is in there twice...)

Oh, and I've come to terms with the idea that I might not graduate this semester. I have 2.5 weeks (approx.) to completely finish my paper (edits and everything). My adviser is slower in getting back to me than I'd like. (Sigh) It's not a huge deal that I might have to do that I guess.


Hope everyone else's day was better!

Friday, November 2, 2007

At it again

Things are going better today. I absolutely hated what I wrote yesterday. So I basically started over. Don't worry, I didn't edit yesterday's. I simply rewound and began the story again. I switched my point of view from third to first person. I feel much better about it now. I also wrote more today than yesterday. (Score!) I want to keep going, but am not because 1) I need to eat supper. 2) I haven't done anything on my real paper today.


The real world sucks sometimes.

Hang in there everybody!

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Day one is successful! Woohoo!! I hit 1,679 words in about two hours (minus time to stuff my face and answer a quick phone call). I would keep going, but I need to work on my applied project some more before I go to bed.

I'm not super happy with what I've written, but it's a starting place. It was a little difficult not to edit as I went along. (How I normally write!) But I did it and it wasn't that hard. We'll see if I can keep it up.

How'd you do?

Head-first dive

So I'm about to start my NaNo writing for the day. Wesley made me go to bed early last night. Theoretically it was so I wouldn't take a nap today - which I still managed to do.

I've been quite productive on my applied project paper. I'm determined to be completely finished with it by Nov. 10 before my mother gets into town. That would be 12 days before the final final deadline.

Anyway, wish me luck with all. I'll let you know how it goes.

Oh! And I just finished uploading 7 little picture thingies. (Can't remember what they're called. haha.) And you say I'm not productive. I laugh in the face of unproductiveness. ha-ha ha ha.

Ooohhh. I learned a new word today. Profligate. I've decided to use it in my NaNo-book for posterity's sake.